The Fursuit Database

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The Fursuit Database
Author(s) Concept: Growl

The Fursuit Database is a website containing listings and photos of fursuiters and their fursuits. The Fursuit Database labeled itself as "the original Fursuit Database".[1] The database also has an Android app.[citation needed]

  • Ran from/to:
    • V.1.0: 2 January 2005 - 9 September 2006
    • V.2.0: 9 September 2006 - present
  • Motto: "Bringing you fursuit info since January 2, 2005"


In 2004 Growl, a long time member of the furry community, suggested to Amarok Radjin that the fandom needed a good fursuit database. Radjin considered for a while, and then in December 2004 created a static database with the domain name of Radjin created each page and thumbnail individually, one suit per page. Taking the whole site on-line in January 2005, and receiving almost 50 submissions very quickly, each taking upwards of 20 minutes to do and often getting behind, Radjin started a search for a programmer to help automate the site.

In early 2006 Radjin contacted Timduru and Furahivszuri, both advanced database programmers. Both agreed to take on the project. Furahivszuri however, was deeply rooted in his thesis so Timduru took on the programming task alone. Radjin, meanwhile, worked on the static web pages and basic HTML.

Also early in 2006 Kaffa Wolf contacted Radjin after making a sudden post in the Fur~suit Live Journal community with a link to his suit database. A month long discussion ensued with Kaffa asking Radjin to abandon his project and combine the two. However, Radjin deciding that Kaffa did not have the dedication needed to continue long term with such a project continued with his second version.

Now with the help of Timduru and a number of others, version two of the Fur-suit Database was brought on line on September 9, 2006.

On August 19, 2008, the Fursuit Database recorded its 1000th fursuit.[2]

Website stats as of April 30th, 2022: Members: 3916 - Fursuits: 4437 - Photos: 20130


  1. The Fursuit Database main webpage as archived by Internet Archive (before 2008 January 30). The Fursuit Database main webpage said "Welcome to the original Fursuit Database" between 2007 January 08 and 2008 January 30. Retrieved 2009 August 5.
  2. 1000th fursuit in the Fursuit database :) - posting by Timduru on his LiveJournal. Dated August 20, 2008. Retrieved August 20, 2008
Fursuiting topics
Construction and components
Duct tape dummy · Head · Horn · Ear · Whiskers · Paw · Leg · Eye · Tongue · Tail · SPH · Fur · Pup hood
Fursuit Markus Hug.JPG
Websites and databases