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Fursuitru logo.png
Author(s) Administrators: Steele IceHeart, Skip, akalji
  • Site Founder: Steele IceHeart
    • Moderators: Steele IceHeart, , Skip, Leo Shaka, akalji
Status Online
Launch date November 26, 2008
Genre Fursuiting

Fursuit.ru is a Russian website about fursuiting.


Created by Steele Iceheart with the support of Skip, Fursuit.ru is hosted by adgth.ru.

The main theme of the site is fursuiting and everything connected with it. It has about 30 pages in total, where one can find useful information about types of fursuits, construction, care for them, the creation process, the furry philosophy, and more.

Of particular interest is the section "How do I sew my fursuit," with photos and descriptions of the entire process (the reason for creating this section was the fact that among the Russian furries, fursuiting was not very popular, due to a lack of teaching materials).

The site is one of the first Russian language texts with knowledgable about fursuit creation that was written with accessible and understandable language, and it has been visited regularly by a multitude of people from all over the former Soviet Union and other countries.

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