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Furrymania.it is a website for the Italian furry community. It was founded in 2006 by the Italian furry members Contix and Cringer. It is a web portal with a linked forum. The name "FurryMania" was chosen to underline the strong passion for anthropomorhpic animals. The website takes its inspiration from sites Furry.it, Xenographia.com, and the old mailing lists FurryIta and ItaliaFurryArt, all defunct.
FurryMania is a site centered on the mediatic, artistic, historic and cultural aspects of the fandom, while the lifestyle aspects are left as a discussion for other, minor sites. FurryMania is mainly a clean site, keeping its threads to a PG-13 rating, with a mature section (with restricted access) allowing more mature images and conversation, but still forbidding "extreme images". Reviews and articles of a mature topic must be PG-13 in order to be shown on the Web portal.
Community and Reviews archive[edit]
The main purpose of the FurryMania website is to gather articles about the furry fandom, such as reports from conventions, explanations on the artistic currents or the fandom in general, and reviews on media featuring anthropomorphic animals such as cartoons, video games, and comics. These articles are written by the FurryMania forum members, and they are, in the beginning, posted as threads on the website's forum. The community of users helps improve the article, by adding details or fixing mistakes. Once the article is declared complete, the FurryMania staff proceeds to export it to the main website's archive. As of today, FurryMania has more than 250 articles and reviews in its archive, and a rich gallery of pictures and videos regarding the furdom.
The beating heart of FurryMania is, undoubtly, the forum with its community, today counting more than 100 members. The website is not only an archive, but an active meeting point for furry artists, appreciators, fans or simple cartoonists, who gather to talk about furry media or simply off-topic chat. The forum also has a gallery section in which a member can submit their own work and ask for suggestions or in-depth critiques on how to improve by other members. The site also promotes national community work, with group pictures, meetups, contests and much more.
Lastly, the site also has a rich link section, and a list of all the italian furry artists members of the site plus the main italian furry webcomics.
September 2012: New staff and improvements[edit]
On the September 10th, 2012, FurryMania has undergone a deep graphical and technical improvement, making it a much better site. Along with a new layout and an updated classification criteria for the articles, the main staff of the site has been changed.
To this day, the FurryMania staff is composed by:
Forum moderators[edit]
- Senseless (Sections: Comics, Books, RL Animals)
- Solaris91 (Secrtions: Art, Cinema, Music)
- Martin (Sections: Videogames, Cartoons, Fandom)
The FurryMania website has three mascots, created by three different forum users in the first years. The mascots can be seen througout all the web portal and various drawings and they are the main protagonists in the monthly drawings on the homepage. The mascots: