Furry Spring Break

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Furry Spring Break

Furry Spring Break (FSB) was a furry convention held in Orlando, Florida on 2-4 March 2001. (Furry Spring Break "was announced in late 1999, with a 2001 launch date"[1] as stated in a January 2002 post by Cutter.) The convention was chaired by Matt Henry (Cutter Coon/MadBadger) with programming led by Karl F. Meyers (Carl Fox).[2] It was held at the Ramada Resort and Convention Center.

Furry Spring Break's Guest of Honor was Phil Morrissey.


A second FSB was planned for 8-10 March 2002[3] but fell through due to problems obtaining a new hotel contract. In response to the cancellation, a group of area furs, including several former FSB staffers, incorporated and created Pawpet Megaplex.

In January 2002 Karl F. Meyers posted

Furry Spring Break
We regret to announce that, due to situations beyond the control of

the staff, Furry Spring Break 2002 has been cancelled. [...]

There is a separate event being planned in Orlando over the same weekend (8-10 March, 2002); information on that event is forthcoming. However, please be advised that this new event has no relationship to Furry Spring Break, its chair, or its staff; it is a completely separate endeavor.[4]

Furry Spring Break


  1. Furry Spring Break, from the con chair. January 12, 2002 post by Cutter McCoy to alt.lifestyle.furry.
  2. Furry Spring Break -- Progress Report #4 - Carl Fox, Flayrah (7 February 2001)
  3. Queen's Own Newsletter--March 2002
  4. Furry Spring Break 2002 Cancelled January 6, 2002 post by Karl F. Meyers to alt.fan.furry.

See also[edit]

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External links[edit]

Florida Flag of Florida.svg