Furry End of the World Convention

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Furry End of the World Convention
Furry End convention-last frame of animated banner.jpg
"The Last Furry Convention Ever!!!"
Status Completed
First iteration December 20-23, 2012
Final iteration September 15-18, 2016 (as FurryCon)
Organizer(s) Etheras and Soron
Charity WolfGem Fund
Subject Furry
Resources Photos, videos, reports: Furry End of the World Convention resources
Furry End of the World flyer

The Furry End of the World Convention was the first instance of what would become the FurryCon series of themed conventions taking place in Rochester, New York, U.S.A. The convention (held from December 20 to December 23, 2012) was centered on December 21, 2012. This date coincides with the end of a cycle of the Mayan long count calendar, which has been interpreted has a doomsday prophecy.[1]


Charitable donation[edit]

Furry End of the World announced its philanthropic activity was for the benefit of WolfGem who is still recovering from the accident that not only injured her, but that also took the lives of her mate, Elden, and their four dogs. Furry End of the World held a special collection and auction of donated items at The End of the World Convention in December. All proceeds from the collection and auction went to WolfGem to cover her medical expenses.


  • Attendance: 278 [2]
  • Funds raised for WolfGem: $1200.00
  • Bar Facts
    • Frozen drinks served (10oz glasses): 784
      • Nuka cola - 201
      • Atomic Cocktail - 275
      • Sunset Sarsaparilla - 308
      • Rum used: 10.5 gallons (21 1.75L bottles or ~3.5 cases)
    • Wine: 45 Bottles
      • Red - 20 Bottles
      • White - 25 Bottles
    • Mixed drinks/beer (cash bar sold by hotel) - 97


  1. Convention news feed
  2. [1], EotWC Facebook entry

External links[edit]

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New York state Flag of New York.svg
Paws For Effect (music group)  · Rapid T. Rabbit and Friends (TV show)

Discontinued conventions and recurring events
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Key: Proposed  · 1,500+  · 3,500+