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Furginia is a community for the furries of Virginia. The Furginia LiveJournal is maintained by Hiromi Kitsune and Talyn.

Many groups have spawned out of this community. Most have lasted for a few months and died out. The most notable incarnation took place in 2005 in the Hampton Roads area, meeting at Casablanca Cafe for coffee and chat. Once the group got too big for the cafe, they relocated to a better location in Newport News, called World's Best Comics. WBC had an upstairs lounge where the group could meet and play video games. Star Fox: Assault quickly became a favorite game to play, but the group ran out of steam shortly before Anthrocon 2005 and after the con disbanded.

This group has no affiliation with the NoVA Fur mailing list.

The Livejournal group is no longer active. All Hampton Roads furgroup events are now focused on the current furries group for the Hampton Roads area, 757-Furries.

External links[edit]