Fur Squared

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Fur Squared
Status Ongoing
First iteration February 28, 2014 - March 2, 2014
Organizer(s) Two Ferrets Co.
Charity Humane Animal Welfare Society of Waukesha
Subject Convention
Resources Photos, videos, reports: Fur Squared resources
Fur Squared (edit)
Fur Squared 2014
Fur Squared 2015
Fur Squared 2016
Fur Squared 2017
Fur Squared 2018
Fur Squared 2019
Fur Squared 2020
Fur Squared 2021
Fur Squared 2022
Fur Squared 2023
Fur Squared 2024
Fur Squared 2025

Fur Squared staff
Fur Squared guests of honor
This page is about the American event. There is also a dealer-based convention in Thailand called FurSquare.

Fur Squared (initially F Squared) is a furry convention that takes places in Wisconsin, USA. It debuted in 2014.


Fur Squared "was hatched all the way back in 2012 at the annual pride BBQ at Bit Ferret's house in Milwaukee. The furry crowd there started talking about conventions and the community, and how the pride BBQ was the closest thing that Wisconsin had to a fur con. A week later was the first meeting of the small but determined Fur Squared staff."[1]


Fursquared supports the Humane Animal Welfare Society (HAWS) of Waukesha County. [2] As of closing ceremonies at Fursquared 2020, the con has raised more than $110,000 for HAWS. In 2018 HAWS dedicated a plaque thanking FurSquared for 5 Years of Dedication and Service. [3]

Recurring Events[edit]

FurSquared has hosted a number of unusual recurring events, including:

  • Convention Game - typically involving scavenger hunt elements
  • Sponsor Dinner - Providing a catered meal to Sponsors and Super-Sponsors
  • Artemis - the Starship Bridge Simulator
  • How to Kill The Con - A comedy and musical variety show that happens before closing ceremonies

Fur Sqiared also features a Dealer's Den, Artist's Alley, Con Suite, Gaming Rooms, and various panels.


  1. About Fur Squared on the Fur Squared website. Retrieved February 26, 2016.
  2. Charity on the Fur Squared website. Retrieved February 18, 2020.
  3. Tweet on Twitter. Retrieved February 18, 2020.

External links[edit]

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Wisconsin Flag of Wisconsin.svg

Ongoing and proposed conventions and recurring events in North America · Map