FurNation Polaris

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FurNation Polaris is an island in the FurNation Worlds sim of Second Life. It is owned and operated by Mathuen Lagerlof and his own team of Estate Managers.


Polaris was formerly owned by Logen Fasching in January of 2008, whom lost the SIM during only its first month of operation due to lack of funds. He sold it to Mathuen before leaving Second Life. Mathuen only recently was granted admin membership to FurNation, effectively canceling the plan in the works to rename the SIM. They have been mostly cooperative with the surrounding SIMs to curb greifing and "unsightly builds".

Geography and economy[edit]

It features Mt. Polaris, the highest point in Fur Nation, and one of the tallest active volcanoes in Second Life (owned by the PRF group). There is also a large underground bunker to explore on the same parcel. There is a walkway with a hidden underground passage connecting all of the rented parcels, and some very nice looking beaches compliment its tropical theme.

It had been mostly unrented land for most of its existence thus far, but lately has been gaining more attention from renters that are reportedly from Mathuen's mainland SIMs. A recent 50% increase in the SIM's prim count is confirmed, and now provides a somewhat better price in terms of prims in Fur Nation.

Estate Managers[edit]

  • Mathuen Lagerlof (Owner)
  • Erro Zenovka
  • Kaebora Quinnell
  • Kieran Hobble
  • Nigma Sterling
  • Rez Coleman
  • Toushiro Nishi

Shut Down[edit]

In late December 2008, Mathuen Lagerlof's account was deemed delinquent by Linden Labs due to an unpaid balance. Erro Zenovka, Kaebora Quinnel, and myxthedragon Novak, attempted to combine resources to save the SIM by agreeing to pay the overages and transfer ownership. Unfortunately two other SIMs owned by Mathuen became due and added to the cost, making it impossible. The SIM was evacuated and the residents with paid rentals were moved to FurNation Purgatory under Erro Zenovka's new management. The abandoned Polaris stayed online for two months beyond its scheduled deletion date as a landscaped lake.


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