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Status Ongoing
First iteration July 28-29, 2018
Organizer(s) Furros Puebla
Subject Convention
FurCan (edit)
FurCan 2018
FurCan 2019
FurCan 2020
FurCan 2021

Furcan staff
Furcan guests of honor

FurCan is a small furry convention which takes place in the city of Puebla de Zaragoza, in the state of Puebla, Mexico, first held in July 2018.


Before FurCan, There it was several furmeets organized in the city of Puebla; however, these did not have success outside the city limits by themselves, so a group of furries comprised by Tykko Kerensky, Tharos, Bito and Moi had the iniciative to organize a completely new event, which was initially planned as just a furmeet as well. Shortly afterwards it was decided to include workshops, special guests and optional paid registration.


In the middle of March 2018, the organization team revealed the final name of the event and the dates. On May 24 the information about registration was released with four packages available;[1] the initial package offered full access to the event totally free, the rest of the paid packages added an official t-shirt, a button, and a bracelet; the fourth package included a night in the "Casa Poblana" hostel for attendees from other cities.

The first edition of FurCan was held on the weekend of July 28-29 in the SNTE section 23 building. Activities including movie projections, drawing competitions, video games and a dance contest. FurCan also had an artists alley and dealers den.

The convention had more than 85 attendees, making it the most well-attended furry event in Puebla City.


In its second edition, the convention took a whole new look and for the first time, it was decided to give it a main theme, which was "Fiesta Piñata" (Piñata party). During Confuror 2018 the dates were revealed in the conbook. This convention took place on July 20-21, initially planned in a events hall called "Option" near Puebla's historic downtown[2]. However, on March 26 it was announced that the event would be held in the event hall known as "Las Bodegas de Galeon" located right in front of a Metro-Bus Station. Free general access was still on place, with an optional paid registration offering additional benefits, which, rather than being called "Sponsor", "Super Sponsor", and so on, were inspired on the sizes of candy booty normally given out at Mexican children's birthday parties (Aguinaldo, Piñata, Super Piñata). Growth was significant;[3] the final count of attendees was 292, with people coming in from 15 States within Mexico and one state in the US.


Given the exponential growth of the event, it was decided to move the venue to a larger place in 2020, for its third edition, FurCan was set to take place on July 18-19, 2020 in the main offices of the Instituto Poblano de la Juventud (Puebla Youth Institute) located in Puebla City historic downtown. The theme was "Locura Alebrije" or alebrije wildness, alluding to the mexican mythologycal creatures known as alebrijes.


Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the later edition of Furcan was postponed to July 16-18 and then to December 11-12, 2021. It scaled down from convention to a two day meet that took place at Parque Ecológico Revolución Mexicana, a local park in Puebla City. The next day, attendees took a ride on the Tren Ecoturístico Puebla - Cholula, a tourist train that used to connect downtown Puebla with downtown Cholula, a place known for its ancient pyramid and pre-hispanic culture.


Furcan 2022 took place on December 17-18, 2022 at the Instituto Poblano de la Juventud in Puebla. This time the theme was "Viva la Feria", a furry take on Mexican style fair.

Attendance was 430 people registered, but given the free-of-charge, pay-if-you-wish nature of Furcan, several incoming non-registered visitors, including non-furries, were not counted.


A camping event also took place on July 16-17, 2022, at the water park known as "Ayoa" in the resort town of Atlixco, 30 minutes southwest of Puebla.[citation needed]


  1. Announcement of FurCan 2018 registration and packages - FurCan, Facebook
  2. FurCan 2019 announcement - FurCan, Facebook
  3. Group photo at FurCan 2019 - FurCan, Twitter (July 27, 2019)
  4. FurCan website, retrieved November 11, 2022.

External links[edit]

Ongoing and proposed conventions and annual events in North America · Map
Confuror · FurCan · Furnexion · Pawercon