Fred Patten

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Fred Patten
Fred Patten.jpg
Born December 11, 1940
Date of death November 12, 2018
Profession or hobby Writer, media critic, editor, fandom organizer
Character species Human
Fred Patten as the Golden Age Flash at the 1962 WorldCon

Fred Patten (born December 11, 1940 - died November 12, 2018),[1] was a writer, media critic, editor, fandom organizer who lived in Southern California, USA. He was considered one of the main founders of the furry fandom.[2][3]


Patten was born in Los Angeles, California on December 11, 1940 to Shirley Marie (Jones) Patten and Beverly Walter Patten. He learned to read at a young age, starting with comic strips in both the Los Angeles Times and Examiner, and later was introduced to Walt Disney's Comics and Stories around 1945. Much of his early reading also came from magazines and books, and he showed an interest in Superhero comic books as well.

Science fiction became a key interest around age nine, and Patten began to collect books from Ace Books, Ballantine Books, and other publishers around that time, as well as major science fiction magazines including Astounding, F&SF, and Galaxy Science Fiction.

In the late 1950s, he became involved in the science-fiction fandom. He entered the University of California at Los Angeles in 1958, and its graduate School of Library Science in 1962. He became active in fandom after discovering the Los Angeles Science Fantasy Society in 1960. By the time he graduated with a Master's degree in Library Science in 1963, he had been writing for science fiction fanzines and publishing his own stories for three years. His Master's thesis was on the books of Andre Norton.

Fred was a CAPSer, a member of CAPS or Comic Art Professional Society, an association of comics professionals.[4]

Fred's activities in the fandoms were curtailed by a stroke he suffered in March 2005. Although still under medical care at a convalescent hospital, he continued making regular contributions to CAPS, Flayrah and other fandom or comic review/news sites. He donated hundreds of boxes containing his library of furry books and fanzines to the University of California, Riverside library[5], and visited to help organize them.[6]

Fandoms involvement[edit]

Science Fiction[edit]

Fred had been a long-time member of the Los Angeles Science Fantasy Society (whose clubhouse has often been used for collating issues of Rowrbrazzle), and was a founding member of the Cartoon/Fantasy Organization; the founders of ConFurence were also members of C/FO.


Fred was considered one of the founders of anime fandom in the United States, and one of the country's leading experts on anime and manga.[3][7] He was an employee for Streamline Pictures, a dubbing company for Japanese anime titles, from January 1991 until it went out of business in 2002[8].


Fred was the official editor of the Rowrbrazzle APA from 1989 to 2005, having joined the APA in 1984. He has also been active in Furthest North Crew and North American Fur, amongst other places.

Fred had been writing furry book reviews since 1962. He was the furry book reviewer for Yarf! (1990-2003), Claw & Quill (2004-2005), Anthro (2005-2008), Renard's Menagerie (2008), Flayrah (2011-2018), and "Dogpatch Press" (2014-2018) magazines.

Fred was also the founder of the Ursa Major Awards in 2001. He won its award for Best Anthropomorphic Other Literary Work in 2003 for the furry anthology Best In Show, and its award in 2016 for the furry anthology "Gods wth Fur". He was inducted in absentia into MiDFur's Furry Hall of Fame in 2011.[9]

Fred was the Fandom Guest of Honor (in absentia) for RainFurrest 2013.[10]

Convention attendance[edit]



Fred authored An Anthropomorphic Bibliography in Yarf! (three editions from 1995 to 2000), and "Furry Fandom Conventions, 1989-2015", McFarland & Co", January 2017, and edited fifteen anthologies of furry s-f & fantasy short fiction:


  1. Fred Patten at the Furry Writers' Guild
  2. Fred Patten on Wikipedia
  3. 3.0 3.1 Furry fandom on Wikipedia
  4. Fred Patten on the CAPS roster page. Retrieved October 8, 2014.
  5. Fred Patten Papers - University of California, Riverside
  6. Trials and Tribulations with the Fred Patten Collection - Alex Leavitt (6 July 2009)
  7. Fred Patten and the history of Manga
  8. Ryan Gilbert c/o Mike Lepore. "Fred Patten Interview". Saturday, March 31, 2012.
  9. Furry Hall of Fame Induction 2011 - includes 20 minute interview (posted 16 September 2012)
  10. Guests of Honor on the RainFurrest 2013 website. Retrieved September 30, 2013.

See also[edit]

External links[edit]

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Contributors and members of Rowrbrazzle
Permanent Honorary Members
Ken Sample (1988 - onwards) · Fred Patten (2006 - onwards) · Marc Schirmeister ( ? - onwards)
Juan Alfonso · Robert Alley · Kaijima Appleseed · Kjartan "Karno" Arnorsson · Mark D. Ashworth · James Edward Babcock · Donna Barr · Greg Bear  · Mitch Beiro · James W. 'Tibo' Birdsall · James L. Brandt · Charles Brubaker · Andrea Cavallaro · Michael Campbell · Dan Canaan · Robert Carspecken · Jack Cavanaugh · Richard Chandler · Jimmy Chin  · Don Chisholm · Steve Corbett · John Cosgriff · Mike Curtis (often with Carole Curtis)  · Darin C. Davis  · Bernard Doove · David DuPerre · Eric Elliott  · Will Faust  · Timothy Fay · Bill Fitts · Dan Flahive  · Bill Fortier  · Brad W. Foster  · Mark Freid  · Jason "Jagafeh" Gaffney  · Carl Gafford  · Charles Garofalo · Roz Gibson · Sara K. Gray  · Jim Groat · William Earl Haskell · Robert S. Haynie Jr. · Cathy Hill  · Robert Hill · Garret Ho  · Tracy Horton · Zephery Hughes · Jenner · Mike Kazaleh · Shawn Keller · Mike Kelly · Steve Kerry · Paul Kidd · Kris Kreutzman · Dave Kuhn · Tom Linehan · Monika Livingstone · Scott Malcomson · Steve Martin · Jed Gary Martinez · Michael-Scot McMurry · Chuck Melville · Mark Merlino · Karl F. Meyers · Noah Miller · Tom Milliorn · Rusty Mills · Rudy Minger · Carolyn Mitchell · Wayne Modjeski · Jeremy Morales · J.P. Morgan · Phil Morrissey · Cindy Murata · Lex Nakashima · Per Okerstrom · Rod O'Riley · Tom Owens · Michael Oxley · Valerio Pastore · Roy D. Pounds II · James "Q" Price · Betty Roget · Melody Rondeau · Lance Rund · Stan Sakai · Chris Sanders · Chris Sawyer · Lou Scarborough · M. Schaefer · Steven F. Scharff · David Schneberger · Bob Scott · Axel Shaikman · Jay Shell · Ted Sheppard · James Smith · Terrie Smith · Wolf Smith · Chris Sobieniak  · John Speidel  · Mark Stanley · Joe Strike · Peter Stoller · Michael J. Susko Jr. · Henry Thiel · G. W. Thomas · Marc S. Tucker · Tom Verre · Diana Vick · Edd Vick · Mark Wallace · Wendell Washer · Taral Wayne · Deal Whitley · Colleen Winters · Jeff Wood · Zjonni  · Zorichan
See also

Furry Hall of Fame inductees
Goldfur Chakat and Uncle Kage (2008) · 2, The Ranting Gryphon and Paul Kidd (2009) · Stan Sakai, Big Blue Fox, Jenner and CynWolfe (2010) · Fred Patten (2011)  · Sofawolf Press and Steve Gallacci (2012) · Dark Natasha and Uncle Kage (2013) · Alector Fencer and EZwolf (2014)