Forum:Forum:Do we need to advertise the watercooler more?

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Forums: Index > Watercooler > Forum:Do we need to advertise the watercooler more?

This forum seems very empty. I think we should put a notice on the main page to remind people that they can use this and the other forums to answer and ask questions. I feel if we were to advertise this more to users, then it would have more activity, fur's questions will be answered more often, rather than just be left hanging, and furries will be more comfortable in asking for help. I scrolled and saw a post from a furry, talking about their new fursuit, and asking for advice. Pity them; the post was from 6 years ago and they had no response, and I feel like they would've at least had one answer if we had emphasised this forum more. Thanks! --SonicFish (talk) 15:24, 27 May 2020 (EDT)