Derby City Furs
The Derby City Furs is a local group of furs in Louisville, KY. This group was previously known as Bluegrass Furs.
Most of the members of the Derby City Furs are close friends, having known each other for many years. The group name was an idea by Knight Fox and Alpha Raye, to replace the older Bluegrass Furs name. When most of the group wanted to attend Anthrocon 2007, Darktiger77 decided to design a logo for the group to wear on shirts while at the con.
We, as the Derby City Furs, would like to offer the opportunity for Southern Indiana furs and Louisville Metro area furs to meet and come together. We will offer our local furries connections near them where they can participate in get togethers close to them. We hope to have a website open in the near future that will interface with the KYFurs website and the Indiana Furs site.
Notable appearances[edit]
At Anthrocon 2007, Derby City Furs member Knight Fox presented 2 the Ranting Gryphon with a genuine Louisville Slugger at the 2 Sense live show.
Bluegrass Furs[edit]
Bluegrass Furs was a LiveJournal community of furries from Kentucky, founded by Darktiger77 in early January of 2004, this community serves as an open place for furs to talk and ask questions amongst one another. The community also allows furs from areas close to the border of the state to join, and all furs are welcome to watch the community, but only those from Kentuckiana are allowed to be members. Bluegrass Furs had 47 members from at least 12 cities across the state as of 19 June 2006. The community at was later deleted.