ConFurence 4

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ConFurence (edit)
ConFurence 0 (1989)
ConFurence 1 (1990)
ConFurence 2 (1991)
ConFurence 3 (1992)
ConFurence 4 (1993)
ConFurence 5 (1994)
ConFurence 6 (1995)
ConFurence 7 (1996)
ConFurence 8 (1997)
ConFurence 9 (1998)
ConFurence 10 (1999)
ConFurence 11 (2000)
ConFurence 12 (2001)
ConFurence 2002 (13)
ConFurence 2003 (14)

ConFurence staff
ConFurence guests of honor
The cover of the ConFurence 4 conbook.

ConFurence 4 was the furry convention in the ConFurence series held over January 22-24, 1993 at the Red Lion Inn in Costa Mesa, California.[1] Adjacent to the Orange County Airport, this was the same hotel which had declined to host ConFurence 0 several years earlier.

The theme for 1993 was "In Search of Ancient Furries", and "Dedicated to the memory of Deal Whitley"[1]. Three-day membership was $20 in advance, with a special $17 rate for previous members.


The funds from the Cabaret Fur Le Dance event were to go to the Deal Whitley fund at the duCret School of Art. Other events included the "Fur Rave" dance, and a Pizza Feast (replacing the Spaghetti Dinner). The Sci-Fi Channel did a cable TV report on the convention.[2]

"Flying Purple Parking Meter", lyrics by Bruce Lane, won the Filk Contest.[3]

Guests of Honor[edit]

The guests of honor were:


  • Two oil paintings by Steve Gallacci in the art auction collectively sold for over $1000. At the time, furry art fetching that high a price was unheard of.
  • The hotel was being used at the same time by an Amway convention.
  • The security manager of the hotel took a great dislike to Confurence, and when a maid found a cartoon-style fake plastic bomb on Scott Malcomson's bed, the police were summoned. For the remainder of the convention, all CF4 attendees had to show their con badges whenever they entered the hotel. The convention had no desire to use the Red Lion Inn again.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Retrieved January 8, 2014.
  2. Furry Fandom: 1993 SyFy Report - Spottacus/Prancing Skiltaire
  3. ConFurence Filk Contest on Retrieved May 3, 2008.

External links[edit]