Commander Kitsune
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Commander Kitsune attends most of the major furry conventions and hosts panels on numerous topics including military and spirituality. He is a fursuiter and likes to make his own suits. He was the Panelist Guest of Honor at Rocket City FurMeet 2007. He is from Ohio, U.S.A.
Commander Kitsune has been a Navy officer, computer systems integrator, owner of his own multimedia company, writer, Christian, physicist, spiritualist, environmentalist, musician, furry and anime fan.
Commander Kitsune is a character in the comic Extinctioners as one of the Commanders of the Solar Strike Force, but has yet to make an appearance in an Extinctioners comic book. Commander Kitsune has also appeared in the webcomic Kevin & Kell in a few cameo appearances. He is also planned to appear in Suburban Jungle in the near future.
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