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Note: The acronym CAPS may also refer to the Computer Animation Production System used by Disney/Pixar on all of their animated feature films since 1989.
CAPS logo

The CAPS (Comic Art Professional Society. Also known as C.A.P.S.) organization is a Southern California area group whose purpose is to provide a forum for the promotion of the comic art form, and better understanding within the comic art profession.

An non editorial professional artist may gain full membership to the group if he or she is or has been involved in the fields of comic books, comic strips, gag cartoons, or any other miscellaneous application of the graphic comic art form in the print media.

CAPS and furry[edit]

A few administrators and artists within this organization's roster are currently, or were, professional furry or funny animal comic artists and members.

These included Marc Schirmeister, Mike Kazaleh, Scott Shaw!, Garrett Ho, Fred Patten, Frank Kelly Freas, Lou Scarborough, Stan Sakai, and Joshua Quagmire, just to name a few.

CAPS meetings and facilities were used in occasions to hold impromptu furry meets, and Rowrbrazzle collating parties were hosted by Fred Patten. This furry presence started to wane with the advent of the internet, which moved most of the present furry presence to the net, although a couple members remain with the organization.

See also[edit]

External links[edit]