Closing ceremonies

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Closing ceremonies are usually held on the final day of a convention. Similar to the opening ceremonies, the chairman often announces convention attendance and charity donation totals during this event. Gratitude is given to the Guest of Honor and staff members, each of whom may be called on to the main stage during the event. If it is known at the time of the event, the follow convention year's dates, venue, theme, and Guest of Honor are unveiled at this time.

The duration of closing ceremonies varies by convention and chairman, with some outdoor conventions, like Oklacon, traditionally taking less than 10 minutes, and other hotel conventions, such as Mephit Furmeet, sometimes running ceremonies in excess of an hour. While closing ceremonies have traditionally been the final event at a convention, many conventions have started to offer several evening events afterwards, in addition to a call for help in tearing down and packing up equipment, that do not require equipment shortly after these ceremonies conclude, including a Dead Dog Party at larger conventions.

Convention terms