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Example of a goat fursona, Ziegenbock Yagi-Eisenhuf as drawn by Willow141.

A goat (Capra hircus) is a domesticated cloven-hooved animal that belongs to the family Bovidae with dense fur of various colors and a set of horns. They are best known for their goatee-like beards and back-bending horns, which occurs on both males and females. They are closely related to sheep, but hybrids can rarely occur and are always infertile, due to both of them being different species with different numbers of chromosomes and belong to a different genus.

In cartoons, goats are often shown eating any object they can (much like ostriches). In reality, however, they are very fastidious eaters, even refusing to eat items that fall from their muzzles to the ground below. They are also frequently shown as using their horns to toss other creatures from behind. A famous case would be the story of the Three Billy Goats Gruff in which the largest billy-goat throws a troll off a bridge.

See also[edit]

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