Bundy R. Bear
Bundy R. Bear is a seven-foot tall anthropomorphic polar bear, and is the logo of Bundaberg Rum, a variety of dark rum produced by the Bundaberg Distilling Company in Bundaberg, Queensland, Australia.
The Bundaberg Distilling Company was created in 1888 when a group of sugar millers began producing rum from the molasses that was a by-product of the local sugar refineries. In 1961, the company chose a polar bear as its corporate mascot, on the basis that their product could "ward off the coldest chill of winter".
Over the years, the logo evolved from being a non-anthropomorphic bear on the label, to being anthropomorphized in printed advertisements, and, later on, portrayed by a fursuited actor in a series of humorous television commercials.
In his current form, Bundy is bear with a relaxed attitude and a larrikin sense of humor. He is good friends with numerous human males, and shares in their interests, which invariably involve drinking Bundaberg Rum and partaking in typical male activities like watching sports and picking up women (in this latter endeavor, Bundy is usually the more successful).
External links[edit]
- Television commercials featuring Bundy R. Bear. (requires confirmation of being above drinking age)
- Written synopses of the commercials