Boozy Barrister

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Boozy Barrister is an American civil litigation lawyer and blogger who curates the blog Lawyers and Liquor.[1]

Fandom involvement[edit]

Rocky Mountain Fur Con 2017[edit]

In April of 2017, BoozyBarrister wrote a blog post about the cease and desist letter sent by Kahuki to DeoTasDevil associated with cancellation of Rocky Mountain Fur Con 2017, criticizing the legal viability of the letter and linking several aspects of it to the Sovereign Citizen movement.[2]

Not a furry himself at the time, Boozy watched a documentary titled Fursonas before writing the post,[2] and spoke with furry fan and fellow lawyer NanukBurr, who invited Boozy to attend a furry convention, to which Boozy said he would be a badger.

Fursuit and fan art[edit]

Furries responded positively to the post, and on Twitter fan art was made depicting Boozy's "fursona".[3] Boozy described himself as being "adopted as some sort of unofficial mascot",[3] and advised lawyers not to judge their clients for what they do in their spare time.[3]

In 2017, Twitter user @how_bout_meow began construction of a partial fursuit based on Boozy's fursona,[4] and designed dakimakura featuring the character[5] On June 28, 2017, InkedFur announced that they were talking pre-orders for pillowcases featuring the dakimakura design.[6]

InkedFur's Furry Friday[edit]

InkedFur sponsors Lawyers & Liquor to host regular[clarify] "Furry Friday" posts, wherein Boozy discusses legal matters of interest to the furry fandom, such as Boomer the Dog's name change attempt, and the legal rights of con-goers who stay in hotel rooms.


Boozy currently hosts a podcast, "Boozy's Legal Funhouse", featuring himself and Alkali Bismuth. Each episode dissects a legal case or concept, and some are performed live at furry conventions.

Convention involvement[edit]

Boozy hosted a Q&A panel as a special guest at Fur the 'More 2017,[7] and hosted a panel at Furrydelphia 2017. He's done comedy based panels with Uncle Kage, Alkali, and many others.[8]



  1. "About Us" - Retrieved April 20, 2017.
  2. 2.0 2.1 "Free Furry of The Land: When SovCits and Furries Collide" Retrieved April 20, 2017.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 "Lawyers Don’t Judge: A Followup to Yesterday and Some Art" - Retrieved April 20, 2017.
  4. Tweet by @how_bout_meow] retrieved June 29, 2017.
  5. Boozy the Badger Dakimakura on the InkedFur website. Retrieved June 28, 2017.
  6. Tweet on the InkedFur account on Twitter. Dated June 28, 2017. Retrieved June 28, 2017.
  7. "Fur and Loathing in Tyson’s Corner: Boozy Goes to Furthemore." - Retrieved May 1, 2017.
  8. Tweet by @BoozyBadger. Retrieved July 2, 2017.

External links[edit]

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