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Real name Heather Riesen
Other names Dancing Hare, DracoSolaris, Shenandoah
Born 1976
Birth place Seattle, Washington, USA
Date of death July 19, 2024
Death place Hampton, Virginia
Residence Hampton, VA
Spouse(s) or mate(s) Kurt Saltzgaver
Profession or hobby Anthropomorphic and Fantasy artist, cartoonist
Character species Rabbit, Dragon

Auryanne was an anthropomorphic/fantasy artist and cartoonist who lived in Hampton, VA with her husband Kurt Saltzgaver and kids.


A former long-time resident of Seattle, Washington, Auryanne had been drawing for as long as she could remember, wanting to be an artist since the age of ten. Growing up in the Pacific Northwest, she learned an appreciation for nature and animals early on, and they have remained her favorite subjects to this day.

She graduated with a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Washington art school, focusing mainly on drawing, painting, and printmaking. Her long-term goal was to illustrate a children's books, seeking an author to work with toward this goal.

In 2002, She joined the team of artists at, providing illustrations for the site as well as the trading card game and other merchandise.

Auryann enjoyed Broadway musicals, gaming (Dungeon & Dragons, Final Fantasy XIV, Star Wars: The Old Republic, World of Warcraft, etc), hiking, rainy days, horseback riding, model horses, sewing plush animals, MST3K, and collecting rabbits.


Auryanne was moved to a hospice in the summer of 2024 due to Cancer diagnosed in the early 2020s,[1] passing on the eve of July 19, 2024 surrounded by family.[2]

Fandom involvement[edit]


A Fierce Bad Rabbit webcomic

Auryanne's fursonas are both a female rabbit and a young dragon.

The dragon is of mixed heritage, combining features of both Western and Oriental dragons.

Her coloration is a warm golden yellow, with a fire-colored mane that runs the length of her back, with broad brown leathery wings. In the tradition of her Oriental kin, she is aligned with a natural element, the Sun.

Convention attendance[edit]


Auryanne had been drawing since being online since 1995, and her artwork could be found in publications such as the furry magazine Huzzah, as well as online galleries including DeviantArt and Yerf and her website. Her production of fanart had slowed considerably when she became a staff artist for Neopets.

She sold art and wares on several online shops online normally under the label Dancing Hare Designs.


Auryanne used to maintain a daily webcomic called A Fierce Bad Rabbit on Livejournal which ran from November 2004 to November 2008.


  1. Prayers for Heather Riesen post by Dustmeat on Fur Affinity. Dated July 16, 2024. Retrieved July 16, 2024.
  2. Something I never wanted to post. post by Kurt Saltzgaver on Facebook. Dated July 19, 2024. Retrieved July 19, 2024.

External links[edit]

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