Anthrocon 2004

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Anthrocon (edit)
Albany AnthroCon 1997
Albany AnthroCon 1998
Anthrocon 1999
Anthrocon 2000
Anthrocon 2001
Anthrocon 2002
Anthrocon 2003
Anthrocon 2004
Anthrocon 2005
Anthrocon 2006
Anthrocon 2007
Anthrocon 2008
Anthrocon 2009
Anthrocon 2010
Anthrocon 2011
Anthrocon 2012
Anthrocon 2013
Anthrocon 2014
Anthrocon 2015
Anthrocon 2016
Anthrocon 2017
Anthrocon 2018
Anthrocon 2019
Anthrocon 2020
Anthrocon 2021
Anthrocon 2022
Anthrocon 2023
Anthrocon 2024

Anthrocon staff
Anthrocon guests of honor
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The Anthrocon 2004 furry convention was a three day event held at the Philadelphia Adam's Mark Hotel between July 9th (Friday) and 11th (Sunday). It had a "Summer Games" athletics theme. It was the last year Anthrocon was held at the Philadelphia Adam's Mark.

Guests of Honor[edit]


Events and locations[edit]

The Message Board at Anthrocon 2004
"Dogs Playing Poker" in the Zoo
Fursuiters onstage at Anthrocon 2004
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Con book[edit]

The publishing team was directed by Karl Jorgensen and consisted of W. Michael Dooley (staff artist), Digit (editor), Kristopher Schnee (staff writer, editor), Jessie Tracer (graphic design, editor).

The programme book was 72 black-and-white pages, with a color wrap-around cover illustrated collaboratively by the two guests of honor, Michel Gagné and Stan Sakai. Interior illustrations were contributed by the following artists:


For a few years, the restaurant list had omitted the nearby Denny's restaurant for good reason -- many reports of horrible service had been reported. As of February 2014, the Denny's in question no longer exists.


Anthrocon, Inc. started the year with $47918.00 in assets, including $31603.00 in cash (and temporary cash investments). They ended the year with $54995.65 in assets, including $27403.93 in cash. Liabilities were zero, making their gain/loss for the year $7077.65 ($-4199.07 in cash), and their net balance $54995.65.

Their total revenue was $106131.99, of which $95395 was from memberships, $20347.76 was from donations, $70 was from advertising and $-1437.03 was from merchandise, after accounting for the cost of goods sold. The net income/loss of special events (included in revenue) was $-8243.74.

Their expenses came to $110331.06, of which $21348.67 was for occupancy, $20450.18 for equipment rental and maintenance, $14710 for catering and $10163.71 for printing.

Source: Anthrocon, Inc. Form 990 (description) from
Note: These financials provide just a brief overview, and should be considered in context. Each convention has its own situation, which may change from year to year. Special events (like art shows) that are part of a charity's mission are usually run at a loss. Conventions typically have many other expenses which may come to far more than those listed. Check the source for further details.

External links[edit]