All Tied Up In Knotz

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Cover of All Tied Up In Knotz.

All Tied Up In Knotz is a furry novella by Andres Cyanni Halden. It was published by FurPlanet in July, 2013, and has a NC-17 rating for graphic sexual situations.[1]


All Tied Up In Knotz tells the story of Carson, who really likes meeting guys over Knotz, his favorite smartphone app.[1] He has little patience for conversation and even less for the idea of a relationship. However, after a hot bear quite literally knocks him off his feet, it seems there might be more to life than his job and searching for one night stands.


  1. 1.0 1.1 All Tied Up In Knotz on FurPlanet. Retrieved September 19, 2013.

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