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Author(s) Founder:
Status Online
Launch date March 3, 2008/2017
End date May 14, 2014/[1]Ongoing
Genre Imageboard
Web NC-17

Ychan is a furry image board that allows registered users to post anonymously.


Ychan came online on March 3, 2008.


On May 14, 2014, the site (along with other sites run by Bad Karma Networks) was replaced with a notice:[1]

When we're young the day stands still, but as we age time begins to speed us by until it seems there is never enough. We're proud of how far the community has come in the 11 years since we opened our doors, but sadly we no longer have the time to make this the site that you deserve. We'll miss you and the fun we've had together deeply - but remember that in every ending is a new beginning. We wish you the best in all your new beginnings to come!

Site reopening[edit]

Ychan came back online in 2017.


Ychan features search capabilities, image tagging, a bookmarking system called Favourites, and support for standard BBCode in posts. Ychan was a project of Yiffy International, and as such enjoyed many integrated features, including a private messaging system and distinct user profiles.

Ychan supported image (GIF, JPEG, and PNG), Flash (SWF only), and video (MPEG, AVI, WMV, and MOV) upload filetypes.[2]

Tags and searching[edit]

Videos and Images on Ychan were taggable. Tags were keywords that went beyond the normal role of assisting searches and facilitated linking to and even suggesting related material. A traditional search interface and tag cloud were provided to cater to spelunkers and casual browsers alike.

Duplicate image detection[edit]

While most image boards traditionally served as temporary dumping grounds, Ychan aimed to be an efficient, highly categorized, and diverse archive.[citation needed] As such, threads and posts are not phased out or 'pruned' (deleted), and techniques such as duplicate image detection were employed to reduce repeat posts and promote older threads.

The possibility of a false positive (wrong match) when looking up duplicates is remarkably small due to a dual-fingerprinting technique that also produces a longer hash than most contemporary solutions.[3]

Special boards[edit]

Ychan had two "special" boards, /ot/ and /rl/ which were for Off Topic and Real Life content respectively. Images and videos not pertaining to furry were allowed in the Off-Topic board while the Real Life board was specifically for content deemed "reasonably furry." The criterion was that a photo or video contains one or more of the following:

Ban list[edit]

Yiffy International and Ychan used to maintain a common public list of banned addresses and information associated with them which the creator affectionately titled The Shit List. The purpose of this list was to facilitate the detection, tracking, and geolocation of malicious botnets for education, amusement, and the benefit of the forensically inclined web community.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Bad Karma shutters Ychan, Yiffy International, 420furs.org - GreenReaper, Flayrah (May 14, 2014)
  2. "Video Support" Posted on September 16, 2008 by Karma. Retrieved July 15, 2009.
  3. "Duplicate Image Detection" Posted on November 7, 2008 by Karma. Retrieved July 15, 2009.
  4. "/rl/ (Real Life) Board" Posted on September 16, 2008 by Karma. Retrieved July 15, 2009.

External links[edit]

Image boards

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