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Worldcon 2006

Worldcon, (or The World Science Fiction Convention) is the longest running science fiction convention, having been held since 1939, only to be interrupted by World War II from 1942 to 1945.

The 2011 Worldcon will be held in Los Reno, Nevada on August 17 to 21 (Wednesday to Sunday).

The name Worldcon is owned by the World Science Fiction Society (WSFS), whose membership are the paying attendees of the convention. The conventions themselves are run by non-profit, fan organizations, who bid to host the event.

Site selection[edit]

Worldcon 2007

Most Worldcons are held in North America, although they have taken place in the United Kingdom, Germany, Australia and the Netherlands. The 2007 Worldcon was held in Japan and was the first Worldcon to be held in Asia.

When a Worldcon is held outside of North America, a North American Science Fiction Convention (or NASFiC) may be held within North America that same year. The 2005 NASFiC was held in SeaTac, Washington under the name of Cascadia Con by the Seattle Westercon Organizing Committee.

Furry history[edit]

Furry events and programming have been a part of recent Worldcons held in North America:

  • At the 1993 Worldcon in San Francisco ("ConFrancisco"), at least one furry room party was held, with one or two dozen people chatting and looking at sketchbooks of anthropomorphic art.

Hugo awards[edit]

Members of Worldcon (attending or not) may vote on science fiction and fantasy works from the previous calendar year. Winning works receive the Hugo Award. Categories include novels and short fiction, artwork, dramatic presentations and various professional and fan activities.


  1. An Illustrated Chronology of Furry Fandom, 1966–1996 by Fred Patten. Retrieved 2012 July 15.

See also[edit]

External links[edit]

California Flag of California.svg

Ongoing and proposed conventions and annual or quarterly events  · Map

Comic-Con International  · NekoCon  · North AmeriCon  · Westercon  · Worldcon
