Wolf Comix

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Wolf Comix
Wolf Comix logo.jpg
Author(s) Isaac M. Baranoff
Launch date Red/Here, Wolf - 2010
  • Wolf Comix - 2013
End Date Red/Here, Wolf - 2012
Genre Comedy
Censor 14 button.png
Here, Wolf logo

Wolf Comix, formerly known as Red and Here, Wolf, is a non-furry webcomic created by Isaac M. Baranoff.


The first incarnation of the comic was called Red, and focused on a young human woman named "Red" who dates a funny animal wolf (though not a Big Bad one). Creator Isaac M. Baranoff had attempted to syndicate it, but eventually offered it as a webcomic for the entertainment website Space Monkey Mafia Studios instead, and the comic's second incarnation, Here, Wolf (a play on Marty Feldman famous line "There, Wolf" from Mel Brooks' Young Frankenstein), was born.

Here, Wolf lasted for two years before being pulled from Space Monkey Mafia Studios by Baranoff, because he felt that the final comic was not particularly different from many other webcomics. In 2012, Mystic Studios Productions officially announced that they had stopped publishing Here, Wolf.

Baranoff suggested that it may return in the future as a live-action Web Video series, saying that he wanted to use puppets to depict the funny animal characters.

In 2013, it came back online as Wolf Comix.


Wolf Comix focus on an anthropomorphic wolf who faces prejudice for dating a human.

It used a Beast fable allegorical writing to discuss issues of prejudice and racism. However, Baranoff had originally not intended this subject to be the sole focus of the new comic, since he had already covered this thoroughly in Horndog.

Instead, Here, Wolf was originally supposed to focus on Baranoff's Ayn Rand-influenced philosophy, hence the reason why Red was not used as a title, to avoid connections with the Republican Party, as Baranoff felt that the comic was not political, but philosophical.

However, the philosophical approach of the comic was ultimately not used in the comic, and the final comic instead focused on pop culture references and topical humor.

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