VancouFur 2012

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VancouFur 2012 conbook covers. Artwork by Davecko, Temrin, Soulscape (credited as "Nuke") and Apoxon (credits in order they appeared in conbook credits).
VancouFur (edit)
Vancoufur Logo2.png
VancouFur 2012
VancouFur 2013
VancouFur 2014
VancouFur 2015
VancouFur 2016
VancouFur 2017
VancouFur 2018
VancouFur 2019
VancouFur 2020
VancouFur 2022
VancouFur 2023
VancouFur 2024

VancouFur staff
VancouFur guests of honor
VancouFur 2012 tshirt design. Artwork by Scribblefox

VancouFur 2012 was the first VancouFur convention. It took place between March 9–11, 2012, although the convention had been in planning since the Spring of 2011. It was held at The Executive Hotel & Conference Centre in Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada, which served as the home of VancouFur from 2012-2015.

The event was chaired by Coal Silvermuzzle and co-chaired by Aphinity. Thanks to Vancouver's large and diverse Furry community, many of the founding staff of VancouFur had connections to other major events.[citation needed] Two of the most notable were Aphinity, known for[citation needed] his dedication to Howloween; and Trapa, who helped found Califur and RainFurrest (and who chaired a prior attempt to form a furry convention in the Vancouver area).

The guest of honor for 2012 was Thumper. The theme for VancouFur's first year was "Great White North": a play on many of the widely held stereotypes about Canada. There were 347 attendees[citation needed], with 73 fursuiters in the parade. Attendees came from as far away as Poland. VancouFur also attracted a fair amount of local media attention[1], and was featured on the local television news.[2]. The convention’s featured charity was the “BC Siberian Husky Club”.


  1. Newspaper story by The Vancouver Province. Retrieved September 19, 2012.
  2. CTV News story on VancouFur 2012. Retrieved August 30, 2012.

External links[edit]

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