User talk:RayneVanDunem/Header

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Hello all, this is Rayne Van-Dunem's talk page. I'm a sysop on the English-language WikiFur, so I'm free to take questions, implement (plenty of) requests and help users with getting a hang of both conventions and new developments. Please feel free to contact me in this talk page; if it is a private matter, please feel free to email or IM me (preferably through Google Talk: raynenamibia).

PS: If it is an exclusion request, please email me. Also, as I am in opposition to willy-nilly exclusions, I will ask you if you would like to instead become the sole editor of your bio; if you are going for blanking of your information, then I'll do the exlcusion.

PS2: I'm not keen on IRC, so please IM me instead if you want.
Archives: 1