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Manny (Born September 3, 1989.) is a 19 year old American anthropomorphic deer, currently residing somewhere in Oregon. His exact species is unknown, although some speculate that he is a White Tail Deer. He's known for being colorful, optimistic, goofy, silly and a little over the top at times. Though, there have been disputes that he is overly flamboyant, vain and a borderline narcissist.

He can be regularly spotted on Furaffinity and Tapestries under the same name.


Manny showed up on Tapestries on March 19, 2008. He quickly grew popularity in the gay themed bar, Gomorrah for having a particularly favorable rear end. There have been many disputes involving his buttocks, usually involving another furry becoming envious over the positive attention being received, and trying to outdo, or 'outpose' him.

Bois will be bois, especially in a gay club. I can't stop them from competing, I really wouldn't want to! It's kinda a good feeling knowing that I'm worth competing against. Nobody ever really wins, anways. I don't believe there's a BEST butt out there, guys like different things. I know a jaguar that likes fat butts! I don't have a fat butt, so I'm not going to appeal to him. Riiight?


Manny has been registered on Furaffinity since January 23, 2007. His artist type has been set to 'Anthro Artist', though he hasn't submitted any of his original art. It's usually in his artist profile where he adds a disclaimer saying that he'll upload some of his works when he's ready to.

I draw all the time. I've been drawing stupid little comics since I was in third grade. But I have a bad lack of motivation and freshness. Plus you know, life gets in the way. But when I begin to upload art, It'll be pretty massively abundant.
See the article about Manny. WikiFur User