Unikitty! (2017-2020) is an animated television series produced by Warner Bros Animation for Cartoon Network. The series follows the titular character Princess Unikitty from The Lego Movie and her friends as they do whatever it takes to make any day the happiest and most creative ever, and face off against villains such as Master Frown from the city Frown Town among many others and spread happiness.
The series was first previewed on October 27, 2017 with the episode "Spoooooky Game", followed by two other sneak peek episodes, "Sparkle Matter Matters" on November 17, 2017 and "No Day Like Snow Day" on December 1, 2017, while the series officially premiered on January 1, 2018 with the episodes "Action Forest", "A Rock Friend, Indeed", "Fire & Nice", "Kaiju Kitty", "Kitchen Chaos" and "Crushing Defeat" and concluded on August 27, 2020 with the episode "The Birthday To End All Birthdays".
The series ran for three seasons and 104 episodes.
- Princess Unikitty
- Prince Puppycorn
- Dr. Fox
- Hawkodile
- Richard
- Master Frown
- Brock
- Eagleator
- Score Creeper
- The Doom Lords (Master Doom, Master Malice, Master Hazard, Master Misery, Master Fear, Master Pain, Master Plague and Master Papercuts)
- FeeBee
- Dino Dude
- Q.T.
- Stellacoptor
- Flamurtle
- Owlamander
- Sensei Falcamodo
- Rock Guy
- Friend Guy
- Ted Butter
- Crabatar
- Evil Richard
The fan-favorite cat-unicorn hybrid from The Lego Movie (2014) has adventures with her four other pals -- brother Puppycorn, scientist Dr. Fox, bodyguard Hawkodile, and boring, grey 1x3 Lego brick Richard.[1]
Season 1
- "Spooooky Game"
- "Sparkle Matter Matters"
- "No Day Like Snow Day"
- "Action Forest"
- "Kaiju Kitty"
- "Fire & Nice"
- "A Rock Friend, Indeed"
- "Kitchen Chaos"
- "Crushing Defeat"
- "Wishing Well"
- "Hide N' Seek"
- "Stuck Together"
- "Little Prince Puppycorn"
- "Pet Pet"
- "Kitty Court"
- "Birthday Blowout"
- "Lab Cat"
- "The Zone"
- "Too Many Unikitties"
- "Film Fest"
- "Unikitty News"
- "Dinner A-Party"
- "R & Arr"
- "License To Punch"
- "Bugging Out"
- "Chair"
- "Kickflip McPuppycorn"
- "Super Amazing Raft Adventure"
- "Tasty Heist"
- "Brawl Bot"
- "Beach Daze"
- "Big Pup, Little Problem"
- "Tragic Magic"
- "Dancer Danger"
- "Landlord Lord"
- "Scary Tales"
- "Float On"
- "Space Mission: Danger"
- "Top Of The Naughty List"
- "Batkitty"
Season 2
- "Pool Duel"
- "Tooth Trouble"
- "This Spells Disaster"
- "Roadtrip Ruckus"
- "Memory Amok"
- "Election Day"
- "No Sleep Sleepover"
- "Unfairgrounds" (two-parter)
- "Kitty & Hawk"
- "Camp Unikitty"
- "Hawkodile Sensei"
- "Perfect Moment"
- "P.L.O.T. Device"
- "Who Took Toast"
- "Rainbow Race"
- "Beep"
- "Delivery Effect"
- "Lazer Tag"
- "Trapped In Paradise"
- "Prank War"
- "Safety First"
- "Volcano"
- "First Flight"
- "Cheerleading"
- "Rat Tag"
- "Career Day"
- "Asteroid Blues"
- "The Big Trip"
- "Late Night Talk Time"
- "Welcome To The Unikingdom"
- "Time Capsule"
- "Music Videos"
- "Brock: Most Wanted"
- "Bedtime Stories"
- "Grown Up Stuff"
- "Stop The Presses"
- "Castles And Kitties"
- "Dunklecorn"
Season 3
- "Growing Pains"
- "Wiener Club"
- "Trapped In The Tower"
- "Special Delivery"
- "Scary Tales 2"
- "P.L.O.T. Device 2: Beyond The Bored Dome"
- "Sick Day"
- "Guardian Of The Unikingdom"
- "Cast Aside The Truth"
- "Sunken Treasure"
- "Dawn Of The Donut"
- "The New Nemesis"
- "Baby Caterpillar"
- "Borrowed"
- "Best Best Friends"
- "The Escape Room Of Doom"
- "The Very Best Candy"
- "The Unikingdom Awards"
- "The Birthday To End All Birthdays" (two-parter and series finale)
- ↑ Unikitty IMDb Page Retrieved December 20, 2018
See also[edit]
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