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Various kemonomimi species drawn by SpazzyKoneko.

Kemonomimi (獣耳 animal ears) is an anime and manga term that describes humanoid characters that possess animal like features, mainly a pair of ears and a tail. The appearance of the ears and the tail is based on the family of each kemonomimi.


These characters are predominately human and any real animal characteristics are minimal, unlike kemono characters who possess a large percentage of animal parts in ratio with their human parts. Generally, kemonomimi characters have ears and a tail which are animal-like. Often this is just part of their attire and can be removed at will.

A few examples of the many specific types of kemonomimi include (alphabetized):

  • Akaimimi / Akaimusume - 'red panda ears' or 'red panda daughter.'
  • Araigumamimi / Araigumamusume - 'raccoon ears' or 'raccoon daughter.'
  • Butamimi / Butamusume - 'pig ears' or 'pig daughter.'
  • Haienamimi / Haienamusume - 'hyena ears' or 'hyena daughter.'
  • Hanemimi / Hanemusume - 'feather ears' or 'feather daughter.'
  • Hiremimi / Hiremusume - 'fin ears' or 'fin daughter.'
  • Hitsujimimi / Hitsujimusume - 'sheep ears' or 'sheep daughter.'
  • Inumimi / Inumusume - 'dog ears' or 'dog daughter.'
  • Kawausomimi / Kawausomusme - 'otter ears' or 'otter daughter.'
  • Kitsunemimi / Kitsunemusume - 'fox ears' or 'fox daughter,' the second most common variant after nekomimis.
  • Kōmorimimi / Kōmorimusume - 'bat ears' or 'bat daughter.'
  • Kumamimi / Kumamusume - 'bear ears' or 'bear daughter.'
  • Nekomimi / nekomusume - 'cat ears' or 'cat daughter,' nekomimis are the best-known.
  • Nezumimi / Nezumusume - 'mouse/rat ears' or 'mouse/rat daughter.'
  • Okamimimi / Okaimimusume - 'wolf ears' or 'wolf daughter.'
  • Raionmimi / Raionmusume - 'lion ears' or 'lion daughter.'
  • Risumimi / Risumusume - 'squirrel ears' or squirrel daughter.'
  • Sarumimi / Sarumusume - 'monkey ears' or 'monkey daughter.'
  • Tanukimimi / Tanukimusume - 'raccoon dog/tanuki ears' or 'raccoon dog/tanuki daughter.'
  • Toramimi / Toramusme - 'tiger ears' or 'tiger daugther.'
  • Umamimi / Umamusume - 'horse ears' or 'horse daughter.'
  • Usagimimi / Usagimusume - 'rabbit/bunny/hare ears' or 'rabbit/bunny/hare daughter.'
  • Ushimimi / Ushimusume - 'cow ears' or 'cow daughter.'

Mythical animals;

  • Ryumimi / Ryumusume - 'dragon ears' or 'dragon daughter.'


See also[edit]

External links[edit]

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