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Tsebresos, or just Tes (born September 20, 1995), is a artist and former fursuit maker and fursuiter who lives in the United States, and who is married to fellow furry Myles Cougar.

Fandom involvment[edit]

Tsebresos was a fursuit maker under the business name Bardic Bestiary.


Tsebresos' fursona was a wolfdog.[1]

Convention attendance[edit]

(*) GoH (rescinded)


Tsebresos was known for SFW art commissions throughout the 2010s, but in 2019, after she refused[citation needed] to draw same-sex "affection" in her artwork while drawing opposite-sex couples showing same, she issued an apology on YouTube (since then deleted), but faced further backlash over her multiple instances of homophobia,[citation needed] which led to her being stripped of her guest of honor title at Tails and Tornadoes Fur Con.[2]

Due to the personal threats she received[citation needed] in the aftermath of the aforementioned controversy, Tsebresos quietly left the furry community after making her last public appearance at Painted Desert Fur Con 2020, selling her remaining fursuit for parts, and shutting down her online presence entirely.


  1. Tsebresos' profile on Fur Affinity. Retrieved June 9, 2013.
  2. Tsebresos has been withdrawn from consideration as a Guest of Honor for TTFC 2020 - effective immediately. post on Tails and Tornadoes Fur Con's X account. Retrieved ?.

External links[edit]

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