Truck Off

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Truck Off
Truck Off Logo.jpg
Author(s) FOX-POP
Update schedule Weekly
Launch date November 16, 2018
End Date Suspended
Genre Action, Adventure
Censor PG button.png

Truck Off: The Treasure Of The Horde is an action and adventure webcomic created by FOX-POP, currently being posted on Fur Affinity.[1] It had updated weekly. FOX-POP has it set up on Fur Affinity so the viewer can go through the webcomic pages without having to go to the gallery archives in search of each one. Truck Off was last updated in July 2020 and is currently inactive. The webcomic was hosted by The Katbox from 2018 through 2019.

Truck Off is the English reboot of a 2015 webcomic called Truck You: Il Ritorno dell’Orda (Truck You: The Return of the Horde), which FOX-POP wrote and published in Italian.[2][3]


The Katbox
Current Comics
Completed Comics
Defunct/Dismissed Comics

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