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Trangender symbol.png
Transgender Pride flag
Transgender Furry symbol (unofficial)

A transgender person, or trans persons, are people with a gender identity that does not match the sex they were assigned at birth. A person's gender identity can be male, female, nonbinary, or a third gender, or none of these.

Many transgender people experience gender dysphoria, which is the stress associated with their assigned sex, and incompatibility with their gender identity. To combat dysphoria, transgender people may undergo a gender-affirming process called transitioning. There are barriers which can make a person be unable to transition, such as social, legal, financial, or medical challenges. Gender-affirming care and transitioning is accomplished via methods such as hormone replacement therapy (HRT), voice training, and/or surgery.

Being transgender is distinct from sexual orientation, and trans people may be of any orientation. Crossdressing is an activity that can be performed, regardless of gender identity, however not everyone who does it identifies as transgender. There is also similar distinctions between being transgender, and drag queen culture, as most drag queens are interested in the art of the performance, and don't often experience gender dysphoria. These communities may have some overlap, but it might be considered hurtful for one to informally assume someone's identity, or reasons to express themselves.

Transgender and furry[edit]

As with real life, there are transgender people exist within the furry fandom. Using a fursona that's the same desired gender, in the furry community can allow transgender individuals to aide with gender expression and identity, even if they're unable to in their real lives. With virtual reality (VR) systems, can allow for someone to express themselves[1] with another gender identity through an avatar, or by networking with other transgender and genderqueer people on social platforms such as VRChat.

Unfortunately, a derogatory stereotype of the fandom used by trolls and is that any person using a female fursona is transgender or emasculate (these terms weaponized as an insult), assuming the user is male. Statements like these are considered hate speech, and "transphobic".


  • Cisgender (created 1994), often shortened to cis, rarely cissexual, is the antonym of "transgender", and it describes people whose gender identity matches their assigned sex.
  • The term transsexual is archaic terminology for someone who identifies as transgender, and the term may be considered inflammatory if used today.

See also[edit]

External links[edit]


  1. Sit for a spell with Trans Academy! Retrieved August 18, 2024.