Talk:YiffyToys (name dispute)

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transfer of[edit]

Edit by TiGWolf: "The Domain was hijacked by Suran, which the transfer was not authorized by TiG Wolf nor the "Law Firm acting as Administrative Contact". "

Well, I'm looking up the correspondence I had back then. Strange thing is, only the owner and the admin-C can authorize a transfer so if you didn't. your admin-c did. Period. If they did it with or without asking you is not my concern as an admin-c has that authority for a ".de"-domain. --Suran 18:41, 28 April 2009 (UTC)
As there was no answer within a weekI re-added the paragraph stating only the facts. --Suran 15:32, 6 May 2009 (UTC)

Both were not present at EF 13.[edit]

here we have this nice photo of JaegerFuchs at EF 13, have we not? There are lots of others.  

Could you please clear up this mistake? I was just told that JaegerFuchs was registred but there was not TigWolf at EF13. At least not under that name. Seems I was confusing EF13 ad 14. Sorry TigWolf --Suran 18:41, 28 April 2009 (UTC)

As there was no answer within a week I re-added the paragraph about JaegerFuchs having been present. --Suran 15:32, 6 May 2009 (UTC)

"Suran's Lawyer left an invalid phone number so Jaeger Fuchs was unable remain in contact."[edit]

Strange. This is the first time I hear of this. Why would he be unable to as it is and was trivial to write an email to me instead? My contact-details are all over the place. --Suran 03:21, 13 May 2009 (UTC)

article cleanup[edit]

The article mentions that it needs cleanup. What exactly need to be done? The given real name from the whois-record has been removed (sorry about that. Just wanted to be exact). I guess the sections "trademarks" needs to be split up into something like "timeline" and "trademarks", does it? I also guess that the header of this article need to be rewritten. Currently it´s still the same as it was before YiffyToys was moved to YiffyToys(Name Dispute). Who wants to do the edit? (I`m personally involved so I should probably stay down and keep adding new and correcting plain facts.) --Suran 04:53, 15 May 2009 (UTC)