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SibFyr logo
Status defunct
First iteration 2012
Final iteration 2019[citation needed]
Organizer(s) SibFyr Organizing Committee Team
Subject Furry
Resources Photos, videos, reports: SibFyr resources

SibFyr (СибФыр; sometimes СибФЫР SibFUR or Сибфурренция Sibfurrence, after Rusfurrence) is a series of furry camping events in the Siberian region of Russia. As of July 2022, no posts have been made on the SibFyr VK group since 2018, and the convention is now considered defunct.

SibFyr (edit)
SibFyr 2012
SibFyr 2013
SibFyr 2014
SibFyr 2015
SibFyr 2016
SibFyr 2017
SibFyr 2018
SibFyr 2019
SibFyr 2020

SibFyr staff
SibFyr guests of honor

External links[edit]

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Discontinued conventions and recurring events
Down Home FurCon · Floof Con · FURSAverance · RAMCon
Key: Proposed  · 1,500+  · 3,500+