Shinshun Kemoket 3

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Kemoket (edit)
Kemoket logo 2015-01.png
Kemoket 1
Kansai Kemoket 1
Kemoket 2
Kansai Kemoket 2
Kemoket 3
Kansai Kemoket 3
Shinshun Kemoket 1
Kemoket 4
Kansai Kemoket 4
Shinshun Kemoket 2
Kemoket 5
Kansai Kemoket 5
Shinshun Kemoket 3
Kemoket 6
Kansai Kemoket 6
Kemoket 7
Kansai Kemoket 7
Shinshun Kemoket 4
Kemoket 8
Kemoket 10

Kemoket staff
Kemoket guests of honor

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Shinshun Kemoket 3 was held on January 28, 2017, at the Kawaguchi Frendia in Japan.

There were 194 dealers during the con.

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