Sebastian Blackcat

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Sebastian Blackcat, also known as Bastian, Bastian Mage, or the Rubbermage (real name Jeff Cordova; born 1977), is a furry artist who primarily concocts drawings of the Rubberfur orientation, who lives in Houston, Texas, USA. He pursues a variety of artistic and general interests, and his art reflects influences of anime, some of which he is a fan.


Sebastian is a 26-year-old straight male albino black domestic cat who is usually shown wearing a skin-tight rubber enclosure suit that covers all but his head, tail, and feet. He is sensitive to bright lights and prefers to stay indoors during the daytime. From late afternoon to the wee hours of the morning, he operates the Magick Shoppe, a retail store that primarily sells in rubber latex clothing.

He maintains the store with the help of Erica, a 23-year-old bisexual, female orphan ex-burglar who initially met Sebastian after an unsuccessful attempt to rob his store; he made her an indentured servant for his shop for a period, but she stayed after the contract ran out after having taken a liking to him, his fetishes and his shop. He is also assisted by Shiruku, a female arachnid who grew to anthropomorphic proportions after having fed on Sebastian's magic rubber, stored in the cool and dark basement under the store.

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