Revolution FurFest

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Revolution FurFest Chile (RFFC)
Location Santiago, Chile
Status Discontinued?
First iteration 11-12 January 2020
Organizer(s) Bobby Team
Charity Fundacion Salva a un amigo
Subject furry, convention, Chile
Resources Photos, videos, reports: Revolution FurFest resources

Revolution FurFest Chile, or RFFC, is the first hotel-based furry convention to happen in Chile that took place on January 11, 2020 at the Mr. Hotel (also known as Neruda Hotel) in Santiago.


RFFC2020 poster by Crystallove

The convention was announced on August 3, 2019 through the Bobby Team Facebook page. Two days later, 4 different types of tickets for the event went on sale and it was announced that this would take place at the Mr. Hotel (also known as Neruda Hotel) located in Santiago. During the following months the invited illustrators, the schedule, the charitable foundations present and other information were announced.

On December 3, 2019, Bobby Team announced that the tickets for the convention sold out.

Programming and Schedule[edit]

The event's schedule was announced on November 8, 2019. The event will have activities similar to those of other conventions such as Fursuit parade, rave party, dance competition, opening and closing ceremonies, etc.

Salon Condor Salon Pudu Salon Huemul
Opening Ceremonies Dealers Den Fursuit Lounge
Drawing with Franko Charity Auction Fursuit Photo Session
Responsive pet ownership Dance Competition Fursuit Parade
Personal exploration through your fursona Rave Party ft. Zick -
Gaming Room Rave Party ft. KWF -
Closing Ceremonies Rave Party ft. Noah Katt -


The RFFC Staff is:


Edition Dates of Convention Theme Venue Location Guests of Honor Chair Attendance Percentage change Parade count Charity Amount
2020 Jan 11-12 Rave Mr. Hotel Santiago de Chile Negger, Rama Majetrobe, Manfinfleta 201 - 45+ $241.000CLP to Fundación Salva a un amigo

External links[edit]

Discontinued conventions and recurring events

Down Home FurCon · Floof Con · FURSAverance · RAMCon
Key: Proposed  · 1,500+  · 3,500+