Plan Nine Publishing

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Plan Nine Publishing was a small publishing company that published various different webcomics in book format. It was started by David Allen in 1996 with the publication of the first Kevin and Kell volume. Since then, it had grown to include other comics

Published works[edit]

Plan Nine have published a number of comics:

Plan Nine also published nonfiction.


Plan Nine has been criticized by Ozy and Millie author D.C. Simpson for alleged extended non-payment of royalties.[1] These royalties were paid shortly afterward.[2]


LiveJournal entries linked to from this section have been made friends-only, and are inaccessible to users who aren't logged in and/or aren't on the friends list.
  1. Money. That's what I want. - LiveJournal posting, D.C. Simpson (25 June 2006)
  2. Today's random report. - LiveJournal posting, D.C. Simpson (4 July 2006)

See also[edit]

External links[edit]


Publishing companies
