Pepper Coyote

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Pepper Coyote, also known as Pepper Artful on Second Life (born January 29, 1991), is a furry musician who lives in Phoenix, Arizona, USA.[1]

Fandom involvement[edit]

Pepper Coyote is one of the best-known furry musicians in the furry fandom, with their infamous song No Cock Like Horse Cock recently passing the eight million streams mark on Spotify.[2] He frequently maintains over 100k monthly listeners.[clarify][citation needed]

He was the music Guest of Honor at RainFurrest 2014,[3] a Guest of Honor at FA: United 2015,[4] Pacific Anthropomorphics Weekend 2015,[5] and FurDU 2016, a Community Guest of Honor at Further Confusion 2016,[6] a special Guest of Honor along with Fox Amoore at Motor City Furry Con 2016 and Furlandia 2017,[7] and a Guest of Honor at Brasil FurFest in 2019.[8]

Convention attendance[edit]

(*) GoH
(**) Banned
(***) Performance ban only


Pepper is the lead singer and acoustic guitarist of the rock/progressive/folk band Look Left.[9].

Foxes and Peppers[edit]

Foxes and Peppers is the seemingly unofficial band name for Pepper Coyote's and Fox Amoore's collaborative work.



#Hashtag is a Rock/Electronic/Folk album Pepper Coyote and Fox Amoore collaborated on. This fourteen-track album derived much of its inspiration from the experience of going to Anthrocon, which is apparent in such songs as Your City My AC and See You Next Year.

The album touched lightly on comedy music influence for its song Fruit Cups, which is about a hyena who follows a fruitarian diet. Also in the album there is a cover of the song Try Everything, featured in Disney's animated feature, Zootopia, and originally sung by Colombian singer and songwriter, Shakira.

Other musicians who are featured in the album include::


In August 2022, Pepper Coyote was blocked from both performing musically and attending DenFur,[10] while Eurofurence prevented him only from performing.[11]

Both furry conventions' official reasons behind Pepper Coyote's bans were due to him being a supporter[12] and financial contributor to the Center for Political Innovation (CPIUSA), an American socialist group[13] who describes itself as an "educational think tank focused on the construction of American socialism", while being described on social media as "Russia state-affiliated media" displaying support for both Putin's invasion of Ukraine and China's takeover of Taiwan.[14]

In 2023, PepperCoyote would post on their Twitter account that they had been blacklisted from Midwest Furfest, Texas Furry Fiesta and Painted Desert Fur Con.[15]


  1. Pepper Coyote's profile on Twitter. Retrieved May 9, 2015.
  2. Pepper Coyote's profile on Twitter. Retrieved May 24, 2023.
  3. RainFurrest 2014 Guests of Honor on the RainFurrest website. Retrieved May 9, 2015.
  4. Our amazing GOHs for FAU 8:… post on FAU's Twitter. Dated August 22, 2014. Retrieved May 9, 2015.
  5. Guests of Honor on the Pacific Anthropomorphics Weekend 2015 website. Retrieved November 2, 2015.
  6. Guests on the Further Confusion 2016 website. Retrieved January 22, 2016.
  7. Guests of Honor on the Furlandia 2017 website. Retrieved July 3, 2017.
  8. BFF 2019 on the Brasil FurFest website. Retrieved July 24, 2019.
  9. Pepper Coyote's profile on Fur Affinity. Retrieved May 9, 2015.
  10. Upon investigation and deliberation, and with the safety and security of our attendees paramount in our decision,(...) post on Twitter. Retrieved August 10, 2022.
  11. With recent events in mind, the Eurofurence BoD wishes to inform our attendees that, after careful consideration, Pepper Coyote will not be performing at EF 26. post on Twitter. Retrieved August 13, 2022.
  12. Haven't heard about @CPIUSA? post on Twitter. Retrieved August 15, 2022.
  13. Denver Furcon removes PepperCoyote from performance schedule after he attends rally flying pro-Putin flag article posted on Flayrah. Retrieved August 18, 2022.
  14. American Socialists Fly Pro-Putin Flags at Conference—Viral Video article on Newsweek. Dated August 8, 2022. Retrieved August 15, 2022.
  15. PepperCoyote's profile

External links[edit]


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