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Othercon logo.png
Location Discord (virtual)
Status Ongoing
First iteration August 14-16, 2020
Organizer(s) * Dinocanid
Charity Varies
Subject Otherkin, Therianthropy, Alterhuman

The Othercon is a virtual convention for the alterhuman[1]. It self-defines as the first annual 3-day virtual convention for members of the Otherkin and Therian communities.


The convention was first pitched as an idea on the Tumblr blog, kincafe, on June 4th, 2020[2]. The name "Othercon" was first mentioned on June 19th, 2020, which was a mashup of "Otherkin" and "convention". The period of time from idea to execution was approximately 2 months, with the first iteration of the convention being held on August 14-16, 2020.

Othercon is not part of a registered charity organization, so all funds raised are donated by attendees directly through the websites of the chosen charities rather than handled by Othercon itself.


Dinocanid is the main organizer of the convention, with the staff being a set of volunteers that varies from year to year.

Typical Events[edit]


# Year Theme Dates Attendance Charity Amount Charity Organization(s)
1 2020 Somewhere Over the Rainbow - Don't worry, happiness is not far away Aug 14-16 400+ $439 Brave Space Alliance1
2 2021 Friends and Family Aug 13-15 389 $242.84 Petco Foundation, Best Friends Animal Society, RedRover, Blue Cross, PDSA
3 2022 Our Oceans Aug 12-14 331  ? Ocean Conservancy, Monterey Bay Aquarium, Surfrider Foundation
4 2023 Prehistoric - Gone But Not Forgotten Aug 11-13 426 $276.52 St. George Dinosaur Discovery Site, Archangel Ancient Tree Archive[3]
5 2024 5th Anniversary Aug 9-11 593 $605.93 Brave Space Alliance, Best Friends, Monterey Bay Aquarium, and St. George Dinosaur Discovery Site[4]

1 Although “Brave Space Alliance” was the Spotlight Charity, there were alternative charity organizations attendees could also donate to in order to get a “Donator” role on Discord: “The Trevor Project”, “Planned Parenthood”, “The Okra Project”, “MIGZI”, “CUTL”, “Unicorn Riot”, “The Bail Project”, “Cocoon House”, “ILGA Europe” and “IGLYO”.


  1. https://www.othercon.org/
  2. Initial idea post on kincafe's blog. Retrieved July 7, 2022.
  3. "Othercon Totals," FurryTimes.Net. Retrieved November 1, 2023.
  4. Othercon on Bluesky. Posted August 11, 2024.
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Online furry conventions
CozyCon · Digital Villainy Summit · The Energetic Convention · Furality · FURSAverance · Hex Furry Fest · Othercon · ShifterCon · Weekend Furry Retreat
Proposed  · Ongoing  · 1,500+  · 3,500+