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Oinari in Second Life is a furry themed island sim is the headquarters of Furry Japan owned by Fakefur Okonomi, founder of Furry Japan. The island is divided among the officers of Furry Japan, who do a variety of experimental shops and houses. Japanese is naturally the primary language here, and visitors are recommended to bring a translator HUD or fluency

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Second Life
Abbotts Aerodrome · Alchera · AnthroXtacy · BritFur Clubhouse · Castle Dark Haven · Club Culture · Club Flex · Club Furnication · Coonspiracy · Drachen & Grand Junction · Dragon Spire · EuroFur Exodus · FlyinTails Airfield · FurPleasure · Furry Fashion · Furry Outpost · Furry Plateau · Gay Yiffy Club · International Yiff Center · Lost Furest · Luskwood · Makazi and Karibu · Meeting Island · Mythos Prometheus · Naughty Boys Lounge · Oinari · Otter Cove · Pixel Hills · Pounce · Rainbow Tiger · Rocket City Community · Ryder · Serengeti · Sparks of Aion · Tartarus Island · The Forest · The Wild · The Yiff Factory · Underground Fur Club · Yiff Alley Lounge · Yiff Lounge