Neo PanTyger

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Neo PanTyger.

Neo PanTyger is a fursuiter from Baton Rouge, Louisiana, United States. He moved to Illinois around 2008 to attend grad school. His fursona is a Giant Panda/Bengal tiger hybrid. He is mated.

Performances and Awards[edit]

He is a member of the Louisiana Furs, and has attended RCFM, where he attended his first convention in 2007) and MFM. Neo won Best in Show at the MFM11 Masquerade for his "Elvis Pantyger" performance. He also performed with Bucktown Tiger.

Neo got third place in the Fandom's Favorite Fursuit Fracas 2008. He won in the Fursuit Dance competition at FWA 2009.

Several of Neo's videos have also been featured on the Funday PawPet Show.

External links[edit]

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Furry Dance Community
Dance Crews
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Notable Dancers
Alflor Aalto · Apollo Husky · Aquarius Crystalwave · Atsu Fawx · Brenda Banks · Camo Rovak · DEX · Dantee · Daverab · Diggy Roo · Doryuu · Faolan · Flinch · Fluke Husky  · iBolt · Imaginary Skye la Lux · JD Puppy · Khord Kitty · Kiyo Redflux · Kwik · Mangusu · Media · Mozee · Nekomon · Neo PanTyger · Nexus Folf (Gale Frostbane) · Rahne Kallon · Recca · Rei Meerkat · Ronnie · Phorone Sarosa · Sadarius Wolf · Sekki · Kiba Pasqua (Shyybunny) · SiberHamster · Silver Wolf · Skroy · Spark Wolf · AlbinoTopaz (Tayerr) · Theome · Tygs · Ino (Telephone) · Twitch Da Woof · Tylan Fusky (Ty Fusky) · Tyzin · Wolf Pup TK · Zakari · Zillion Ross