Michael H. Payne
Michael H. Payne is an author whose works include numerous short stories published in various fanzines and one novel, The Blood Jaguar. Two of his stories appeared in the anthology Best in Show, and many others are available from Fictionwise. He is the creator of two webcomics, Terebinth and Daily Grind. Michael lives in southern California where he hosts a weekly radio program and plays guitar for masses at his Catholic church.
He first learned of furry fandom in 1988 at the San Diego Comic Con when he found a flier advertising Confurence 0, scheduled to be held not far from where he lived. He wrote his first short story, "Rat's Reputation," for an issue of Furversion after buying some back issues at the con, and his next story "Crow's Curse," won third place in the Writers of the Future contest in 1991.
Since then, in addition to the stories he's sold to professional magazines and anthologies, he has contributed stories and comics to fur-centric publications such as Yarf!, Anthrolations, and the con book for Further Confusion 2006. He was also a guest of honor at Further Confusion 1999, and won the 2001 Ursa Major Award for Best Anthropomorphic Short Fiction for his short story Familiars.
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See also[edit]
- Michael H. Payne on Wikipedia