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Lolpard is a therian black leopard. She is also a greymuzzle.

She has felt that she was basically trans-species all of her life and this created much pain and anguish for her when she was younger. As she grew older the human skin, while not comfortable, seems to fit better.

Lolpard was quite late getting involved in furry fandom. When she first heard of furries they sounded kind of strange to her as she had no desire to draw herself or any anthro animals. She had made furry costumes, while working in a costume shop but did not feel any connection with them. And to hear that these furry people could be more than one animal or change their animal at will seemed bizarre as she always was and forever will be a black she hung around these furry people hoping to get costume commissions. Over time she found out that you do NOT have to be a fan of anthro art work, there are many "furries" who are also tran-species or therian, and she began to feel quite at home. The majority of her attendance at furry events occurred about the time that the Prancing Skiltaire started back up.

Lolpard is a professional costume designer. She makes all kinds of costumes as well as fursuits and partials. Some of her suits and pieces can be seen on Foxtrack, Lunar Wolf, and her latest work is Frosty Orca's fullsuit. The suit is Frosty's personal design that she brought to life with plush fur. She did not make the head, but all of the fabric work is hers, including some very elaborate color insets to match Frosty's specific markings. She is considered to be a master costumer and can make anything that a person has a picture of, or can help to pull the design out of the clients head and put it on paper in a blueprint format. She became quite good at this while working at the costume shop and became the expert when it came to fursuits in the shop, and often was asked to remake or recover the various heads that needed some TLC.

At the moment she is single, although poly. She has some friends and some lovers but at this time is not looking to be mated ever again.

She is currently living on the border of Santa Monica but still regularly attends the PS and most local conventions. She has performed in two of the caifur cabarets as the "Butterscotch Cougar" and plans to participate again as life permits.