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Kemoket logo 2015-01.png
Ōta-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Status Ongoing
First iteration May 3, 2012
Organizer(s) Gallone (がろーね)/Executive Committee of Kemoket
Subject Book fair event
Resources Photos, videos, reports: Kemoket resources
Kemoket (edit)
Kemoket logo 2015-01.png
Kemoket 1
Kansai Kemoket 1
Kemoket 2
Kansai Kemoket 2
Kemoket 3
Kansai Kemoket 3
Shinshun Kemoket 1
Kemoket 4
Kansai Kemoket 4
Shinshun Kemoket 2
Kemoket 5
Kansai Kemoket 5
Shinshun Kemoket 3
Kemoket 6
Kansai Kemoket 6
Kemoket 7
Kansai Kemoket 7
Shinshun Kemoket 4
Kemoket 8
Kemoket 10
Kansai Kemoket 9
Kemoket 15

Kemoket staff
Kemoket guests of honor

Kemoket (けもケット Kemoketto?) is a kemono themed Japanese dōjinshi fair, and virtually the largest Kemono event in Japan, held twice a year in Kanto Region and Kansai Region, Japan. The first Kemoket was held on May 3, 2012. The main organizer is Gallone (がろーね).


All data are based on the official announcement. “Circles” are the dōjinshi groups attending as vendors; attendee numbers have never been collected.

Title Dates Circles Venue
Kemoket 1 May 3, 2012 134 Watshou Kaikan (Cotton Trade Center)
Kansai Kemoket 1 September 16, 2012 114 Kyocera Dome Ōsaka SKY Hall
Kemoket 2 May 4, 2013 210 Tōkyō Metropolitan Industrial Trade Center
Kansai Kemoket 2 October 13, 2013 219 Kyocera Dome Ōsaka SKY Hall
Kemoket 3 April 29, 2014 259 Tōkyō Metropolitan Industrial Trade Center
Kansai Kemoket 3 October 13, 2013 278 Kyocera Dome Ōsaka SKY Hall
Shinshun Kemoket 1 January 18, 2015 124 Tōkyō Wholesaler Center
Kemoket 4 May 4, 2015 372 Yokohama Ōsanbashi Hall
Kansai Kemoket 4 October 11, 2015 300 Kyocera Dome Ōsaka SKY Hall
Shinshun Kemoket 2 January 17, 2016 172 Kawaguchi Frendia
Kemoket 5 May 3, 2016 438 Yokohama Ōsanbashi Hall
Kansai Kemoket 5 October 9, 2016 402 Kyocera Dome Ōsaka SKY Hall
Shinshun Kemoket 3 January 28, 2017 194 Kawaguchi Frendia
Kemoket 6 May 6, 2017 604 Tōkyō Trade Center
Kansai Kemoket 6 October 8, 2017 470 Kōbe Convention Center
Kemoket 7 Canceled
Kansai Kemoket 7 September 23, 2018 500[1] Kyocera Dome Osaka SKY Hall[2]
Shinshun Kemoket 4 January 27, 2019 170[3] Kawaguchi Frendia
Kemoket 8 April 29, 2019  ? Tōkyō Trade Center
Kansai Kemoket 8 September 22, 2019 570[4] Kyocera Dome Ōsaka SKY Hall[5]
Shinshun Kemoket 5 Jarnuary 26, 2020 170[6] Kawaguchi Frendia[7]
Kemoket 9 Canceled
Kemoket 10 January 21, 2024 424 [8] Tōkyō Trade Center[9]
Kansai Kemoket 9 May 19, 2024 600 ATC Hall
Kemoket 15 September 22, 2024 TBD Tōkyō Trade Center[10]


On April 19, 2016, Japanese conservative fan Yuuken SS (ユウケンSS, Thunder Yuuki) circulated a rumor on X that Chinese and Korean people were looting Kumamoto following the April 14, 2016 earthquake,[citation needed] and appealed to people to establish vigilantes parties with hunting guns.[citation needed] He was going to participate at Kemoket as the representative of his Pokemon doujinshi group, 携帯獣愛護会.[11]

On April 22, 2016, he apologized for his claim, alleging that he was under the delusion that left-wing anti-racists (called "Counter" or "Shibaki-Tai" in Japanese) would assault him at Kemoket,[citation needed] appealing for help on Twitter [citation needed] while consulting the police.[11]

On April 25, 2016, he appealed to other like-minded people, like Japanese mangaka Toshiko Hasumi (a known conservative manga artist and comfort women denier),[citation needed] to support him and Kemoket from an attack of Japanese counters, which resulted on the rumor of anti-racists assault not only would take action against Yuuken SS, but also other participants as well.[12]

On April 27, 2016, Kemoket banned Yuuken SS from the event.[13] On 3 May, Kemoket 5 was held without disruption.


  1. Circle list - Kemoket (retrieved 30 January 2019)
  2. General English advice - Kansai Kemoket 7 (retrieved 30 January 2019)
  3. Circle list - Shinshun Kemoket (retrieved 30 January 2019)
  4. Circle list - Kemoket (retrieved 2 January 2020)
  5. 開催概要 - Kansai Kemoket 8 (retrieved 2 January 2020)
  6. Circle list - Shinshun Kemoket (retrieved 30 January 2019)
  7. 開催概要 - Shinshun Kemoket 5 (retrieved 2 January 2020)
  8. Circle list - Kemoket (retrieved 4 January 2024)
  9. 開催概要 - Kemoket 10 (retrieved 4 January 2024)
  10. Kemoket 15 Date Announcement (Japanese) on Twitter. Posted May 19, 2024. Retrieved July 9, 2024.
  11. 11.0 11.1

External links[edit]

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