Hull Furs

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The Hull Furs is a small furry community based in Hull, United Kingdom, one of the cities that forms part of the larger NorthernFurs community.

Coffee meets take place every Wednesday. Mini-meets for visiting furs are organised by Funky Fox.


The Hull Furs community is made up of around seven members, including Starpaw, Vulpon Leo and housemate Riff-Raff,Majestic, Funky Fox and his partner Vrekkar, Heraldez.

June 2007[edit]

Coffee meets are now organised by any of the Hull furs and happen Tuesdays, Wednesdays or Thursdays.

September 2007[edit]

Several new furs moved to Hull to enter University including Ocaron, RMA-reborn, Shinaku, Spirit, Tommah and Till who now regularly socialise with the furs already living in the city. Iffriel moved to the city in December 2007 and now resides with Starpaw. As well as the university furs, two more long time residents of the city, Ouroborus and Moonlight Vulpine, made themselves known, putting the number of known Hull furs at 14.

November 2015 - Present[edit]

During November 13th of 2015 a small furry group started on Facebook and has 12 members as of Jan 31st of 2016 and regular meets every Sunday which usually gets announced through there Facebook group with more events getting planed thoughout the year. [1]

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