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Subject Furry, toon
Server ft.furtoonia.net, port 9999
Operator(s) Tabyathe, Calico, Kahz, Squirrelly
Status Ongoing
Ran from/to 1994 - present

FurToonia is a MUCK centered around furry and toon themes. Access may be achieved directly from the website with JavaMucker thanks to Squirrelly.


FurToonia was started in January 1994, after ShasMUCK was handed off by Shasta to Kahz, and the name was then changed to FurToonia. The MUCK was primarily built by Tabyathe, Kahz, and Alexei and Ginger, with help from Sonic, Telkintar and Rrauwl, and MUF coding and technical work by Squirrelly and Ruffin. By late 1994 or so, FurToonia was fairly popular as an alternate gathering spot when FurryMUCK was inaccessible due to problems with its internet connection.

It also became a home for the kinds of roleplay and personalities that FurryMUCK didn't always approve of, given the MUCK's more progressive policies. Some feel that there were a number of internal cultural conflicts during this time, including one that centered around an adult establishment which many felt was against the overall theme of the MUCK. The reality is, conflicts like those were mostly external in the early years, meaning that progressive policy was created and supported by both the owner and the WizCore. As is often the case, the loudest battles are fought loudly by people with no real say in the matter. This stance may or may not have changed in later years.

By late 2005, interest and attendance have trailed off somewhat, however the MUCK was and is the scene of some sprawling, and in many cases interesting and cleverly executed building projects; its database contains at least 200,000 objects.



  • Tabyathe - HeadWiz, Chief HelpStaff, TinyPlot, Character Req/Purge, Builder Wizard
  • Calico - Public Relations / Moral Support / Asst DB Janitor / Asst Builder Wiz / @Quota Admin / MUF / General Wiz (All-Purpose Surviving Elder Wizard of Idling)
  • Kahz - Semi-grumpy elder wiz who collects dust, toads, and anime
  • Squirrelly - Crazy toon stuff, MUF, MPI, Helping, Anvils, etc!


  • Arlo - MPI, building, newbies, programs, etc.
  • Austin - Socialization, and the rest is underdetermined
  • BunnyHugger - Lord Mayor/building/friendly greetings/info
  • Crim - Newbies, Initial Character Setup, TinyFugue Basics
  • Dingo - Ask anything
  • Miles - Welcome, building, getting comfy, socializing, MPI
  • Nightwind - Building/MPI/Muf/General questions


These locations may be reached by KahzKabs:
AMU    Amusement Park         ISL    Twonky Control Board
CAP    Central Apartments     KLE    Kari_Lynne's Estate
CRP    Center of Rikchik Park MCP    Megakat City Park
CSF    Central South Forest   MOR    Mortis - City of Night
DOL    Dolphin Isle           NBE    Northern Beach
DTT    Downtown Toontown      NTQ    Nighttown Quadrangle
DSK    Dusken Marsh           SAV    Savanna
FIS    FT IG Spaceport        SHI    Shining Mountain
FOX    Fox Manor              SHR    The Shire
FTA    FurToonia Academy      TSQ    Town Square
FUM    Fuuma                  UGP    UnderGround Park
GAR    Secret Garden          VBP    Von Braun Plaza
GFO    Great Forest           WOF    Cry of the Wolf
GTH    Gypsy Theatre          ZOO    Zoological Gardens

See also[edit]

Text-based multiplayer worlds
Oldest still running
FurryMUCK (1990) - FurToonia (1994) - RealmsMUCK (1993) - Sociopolitical Ramifications (1994) - Tapestries MUCK (1991) - TigerMUCK (1994)