Furry Night Live
Furry Night Live (formerly Furry Variety Show) is a variety show of various performances and was held at Further Confusion up until 2010 when FNL took "the show on the road".
The Furry Variety Show was started by Robert King at the Chicago-area science fiction convention Duckon as part of the furry programming track. Typically this ran late on Friday nights at Duckon. As Midwest Furfest spun off from Duckon in 2000, so did the Furry Variety Show.
The idea was brought to Further Confusion in 2000 as companion to their Masquerade. Whereas the Masquerade would focus on costume construction and presentation, the Furry Variety Show was more focused on skits and performances. Other acts were also incorporated, including music and puppetry. For Further Confusion 2006, the show was renamed Furry Night Live.
In 2010, FNL left FC to take "the show on the road". After Further Confusion, FNL has been at Califur 6 (2010) "Rock & Roll Toons", Furry Fiesta 2011 (February), Califur 7 (June 2011) "Rock & Roll Toons 2", Furry Fiesta 2012 and plan to be at Furry Fiesta 2013 (February).