Furry Music Foundation
The Furry Music Foundation (also referred to as FMF) was a web site and archive dedicated to the promotion of music created by and for the furry community. The website, administered by Chama C. Fox, includes profiles of many composers and performers of furry music and has numerous songs available for download, as well as compiled collections of songs that are available on CD, including Furry Fantasies, Silky Fur and Furry Fantasies II.
Though downloads are free and unrestricted, submissions to FMF are moderated. Each song is reviewed before it is entered on the web site. The site does not feature musicians or works signed to organizations that restrict copyright such as RIAA, GEMA, etc.
The Furry Music Foundation was founded in January 1997 by Chama, as he recognized the need for a music community within the furry fandom. Hitherto, there had been no distribution channel for musicians to show and share their works. With CD productions being too expensive and personal home pages too obscure, little was produced and even less actually heard. FMF helped change this.
For the first year, the site was hosted on Tigress.com in Germany, though for a number of years it was hosted privately in Sweden. In 2000, it underwent a structure and face change to a new design by Nessus. Since the server in Sweden became defunct, in 2006 FMF was then hosted on the server of The Fauna Project in Germany with libraries in various countries.
Over the years, FMF has grown, and amassed furry composers, musicians and music from all over the world. Its members have created several CDs and other musical projects and on-going efforts such as Wolf Land.
A relaunch was announced in 2010 but not carried out.
The song Happy Weasel by Chama was the first piece to be released on FMF. Five years later, Chama wrote Weasel's Return as an anniversary celebration. The third part, Weasel's Secret, was released in 2007.